The joys and travails of e-authors Sherry (Shara) Jones and Laura Hamby as they jump computer monitors first into the pool. Holding hands and plugging their noses, of course.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Almost May...

It's report card time. I'm reviewing my goals to date, and rather dismayed to see I'm falling short. There's a surprise. Things like getting sick (self, kids, spousal unit), laundry, outside jobs... don't necessarily get taken into consideration when it's time to hammer out some goals. Then there's the issue of "It's just not working" and "Why the heckadoodle did I try to write THIS?" that often muddy the water.

So, with May tomorrow, and 2009 almost halfway over (chew/stew on THAT for a while, huh? Mind boggling!) time to perhaps toss out all the goals to date (especially the ones that Just Aren't Gonna Happen) and start fresh. Perhaps more general goals would be good.

Some of my New, General Goals:

1. Keep on keeping the desk/workspace cleaned up.

2. Write every day, even if it's two words or two sentences.

3. Make realistic goals. (This means take into account that people get sick, things come up, Life Happens, when imposing deadlines on self.)

There. I think three is perfect.

Now, for a spot of fun...

I'm sure everyone will be delighted and thrilled to know that I would make a good 1930's husband.

You Would Make a Great 1930's Husband

You would be an ideal 1930s husband.

You're attentive, understanding, clean, and friendly.

You'd make an great husband for a woman of any era.

Would you?

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