The joys and travails of e-authors Sherry (Shara) Jones and Laura Hamby as they jump computer monitors first into the pool. Holding hands and plugging their noses, of course.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Okay, so it's really been over a year since last we posted?

Where did the time go? We'd like to file an official complaint.

Have we forgotten our goals? Heckadoodle no! Yanno that pesky li'l thing called "Life"? Well, it intervened. However, we are now ready to put it back in its place and proceed as planned.

Er...what was the plan? I'm the panster, not the plotter (planner). Sherry's the one with a plan. I'm sure anything I've articulated via phone calls or IMs, she'll remember. After all, she's the one with that scary white board and all those dry erase markers. (She's actually very skeery when she's wielding those dry erase markers. I think she gets high on the marker fumes, which can understandably happen when one takes the lid off the silly thing in preparation of using it.) But I digress.

Our biggest news: 1) Laura moved. Yep. Moved. Hence our absence. Do you know how hard it is to post a blog when your computer is PACKED AWAY IN A STORAGE UNIT SOMEWHERE and you're at the mercy of using library computers, along with every other computerless individual in town? 2) Our e-publishers, By Grace and Moonlit Romance, are closing doors at the end of this year. Sorry for the short notice. (See #1 above, and guess who does the majority of the posting on this blog, when it gets posted?)

While we're saddened that our publisher is closing, we've decided that it's The Sign. We'll expound upon this at a later date, after I've brow-beaten Sherry into getting back into the swing of things with this here blog. With some Metamucil for our (posting) regularity problems, and more time on our hands (after the holidays), look for this blog to be active again in the New Year. IN THE MEANTIME, if you're so inclined, what are YOUR goals for the New Year?

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