The joys and travails of e-authors Sherry (Shara) Jones and Laura Hamby as they jump computer monitors first into the pool. Holding hands and plugging their noses, of course.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hey! Who's In Charge Around Here???

Laura Hamby has elected to be elsewhere these past few days, so *I* have control over our blog. O, the POWER!

In actuality, the above picture represents ME being, yanno up to my *ss in alligators… or, Why Did Laura Think It Was A Good Idea To Leave Me In Charge?


The day has finally come. On Wednesday evening, having been deserted by my writing partner and IM buddy, Laura Hamby, who decided to have a LIFE elsewhere for a few days, I had to set aside my *gulp* dry erase board, markers, post-its and PANTSTER my way to the ending of my chapter four in my wip.

O, the horror! All alone and with only a large block of medicinal chocolate to sustain me, and steady my nerves, I muscled my way to The End. *inserts Julie Cohen’s patented Mindless, Feckless Dance Of Joy*

Heh. I’d done it! No charts, no Plotter’s accoutrements… just nerves of steel and a good supply of Hershey’s Special Dark bar. (Have I mentioned that’s my favorite? Not a small HINT to the Hershey Corporation. No, not at all. Much.) Heh.

Whew. Good job, me. Yep, I did it.

But, what exactly DID I do?? You see, when I get into a writing groove like that, the Muse takes over and I’m not longer creating, per se, as taking dictation. In other words, I have NO FREAKIN’ CLUE as to what I wrote or what sort of plot corner the Muse wrote me into to begin Chapter Five. Hence, another reason for me being up to my…yanno.. in alligators. I tried this pantstering thing, I really did.

I’m not worried, though. I know how to solve this. *drags trusty dry erase board back into center of the room*

What? You’re still here? Well, you’ll have to excuse me. I’ve got a bit of plotting to do….

With any luck, Laura will be back with us on Monday and turn this ship around.

Gone Fishin’ , indeed…

Where’s my chocolate?

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