The joys and travails of e-authors Sherry (Shara) Jones and Laura Hamby as they jump computer monitors first into the pool. Holding hands and plugging their noses, of course.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Days 2 and 3 of the Grand Adventure...

Laura: So, there’s Sherry, writing like a fiend on her Project. What am I doing? Looking at the novel I must finish for my e-publisher, for its November publication— that, in addition to only being 10% finished when I started yesterday, must be turned in, ready for publication in October, due to my publisher’s end of November due date. Got all that?

So, what’s the problem, you ask?

Oh, other than there’s no conflict (quit snickering, Sherry! That’s not very polite, yanno ;-) )... There’s no problem. None at all. So I whinged at Sherry via the Always Open IM window we have while we write together.

Me: "Houston, we have a problem."
Houston: "What’s up?"
Me: "You’ll be shocked and dismayed. I have no conflict."
Houston: "No way. Not you!"
Me: (Detecting more than a wee bit of sarcasm in that previous IM): "Sad, but true."
Houston: "What’s the H/h’s GMC?"
Me: *Inserts shrugging yahoo icon.
Houston: *Inserts rolling on the floor, peeing on self with laughter icon...

Okay, so that’s a tad bit fictionalized, but not much. I fully expect Sherry to comment, "See what I have to put up with?"— but allow me to defend myself. (As I stuff chocolates into the "Mail to Sherry Box"...)

I don’t always struggle with GMC. I really don’t. I’m just not as... *ahem*... as, um, well, anal as some about establishing it before I start writing. I’ve never gotten to the end of writing a book, slapped my forehead (a la "I shoulda had a V-8!") and moaned, "Gee, how ever did I manage to write an entire book with absolutely no conflict?" Some of my ideas arrive, fully loaded for bear with conflict. Others, well, I have to dig around for it— but honestly, it always comes together beautifully for me— Panster Style.

Progress on my e-novel: I’m up to about 20%. HOORAY!!!!!

Progress on my Project: Um, *ahem,* coughsputterwheezehemhaw... Well, see I have to finish the e-novel first. :D

Sherry: Reads the above, barely restraining from using the eye-rolling icon. Whereas, I, on the other hand, stress and angst over GMC. Is there enough? *consults diagrams, charts, and numerous post-it notes..*

Me: “But, do we really understand what the heroine wants?”
Laura: “Just write the book, Sherry”
Me: “Okay, but after consulting my chart and dry erase board, I’m sure I’m going to need more...”
Laura: “Just WRITE the book, Sherry” (at this point, I’m beginning to detect a faint edge in her IM message)
Me: “I think I need to mull it over, lie in a darkened room and ponder a bit.”
Laura: Just write the freakin’ BOOK, JONES!!!”

I made that up. Mostly. Artistic license, yanno, but I can nearly “see” the hair-pulling icon coming my way one of these days.

Plotter vs. Pantster – Yep, that pretty well sizes us up. Still, it’s been a beautiful comradeship these past few years. Somehow, Laura winds up with all the GMC she needs, and I become well rested from all my “pondering” naps. In the end, we have the product of our imaginings -- shiny, polished and winging its way to its audience.

Then we take a deep breath, throw open the doors to our respective characters lounges, and begin all over again. And don’t we just love it?

Chocolate, anyone?

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